Avv. Prof. Francesco Mucciarelli
Born in 1952, he enrolled in the special register of trainee lawyers in 1976 and then qualified to plead in the higher courts; he has always worked at the law firm set up by Avv. Antonio Mucciarelli and Professor Cesare…
Read the curriculumAvv. Luisa Mazzola
Born in Milan in 1958. She graduated with honors in Law from the Università degli Studi di Pavia (University of Pavia) in 1983, she is a member of the Milan Bar and she is qualified to plead in the higher…
Read the curriculumAvv. Marta Lanfranconi
Born in Arona in 1963. She graduated with honors in Law from the Università degli Studi di Milano (University of Milan) in 1988 and she immediately joined the Firm, collaborating in particular with Avv. Prof. Francesco Mucciarelli. She provides advice…
Read the curriculumAvv. Adriano Raffaelli
Born in Florence in 1965. He graduated in Law from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) of Milan in March 1988, then he served as an Officer in the Carabinieri; he was admitted to…
Read the curriculumAvv. Marco Calleri
Born in Milan in 1964. He graduated with honors in law from the Università degli Studi di Milano (University of Milan) in 1988 with Professor Guido Rossi, then he joined a British “Magic Circle” law firm to continue his market…
Read the curriculumAvv. Prof. Carlo Enrico Paliero
Full professor of criminal law at the Università degli Studi di Milano (University of Milan) since 2000 (previously, full professor at the universities of Macerata and Pavia since 1986, Fellow, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung and visiting professor in Germany, Mexico…
Read the curriculumAvv. Barbara Bonzano
Born in Milan in 1967. She graduated from the Università degli Studi di Milano (University of Milan) in 1992 with a thesis on Criminal Procedure. She is qualified to plead before the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation; she started her…
Read the curriculumAvv. Valeria Tartara
Born in Milan in 1970. She graduated with honors from the Università degli studi di Milano (University of Milan, where she obtained the Graduation Award sacred to the memory of Manlio Borrelli) in 1994, then she immediately joined the Firm,…
Read the curriculumAvv. Emanuela Danelli
Born in Lecco in 1975. She graduated with honors in Law from the Università dell’Insubria (University of Insubria) in 1999; she is a member of the Milan Bar and she is qualified to plead in the higher courts. She started…
Read the curriculumAvv. Giacomo De Carolis
Born in Milan in 1977. He graduated from the Università Statale (State University) with a thesis on Prison Law in 2002. He has been practicing at Studio Legale Associato Mucciarelli – where he has focused his practice mainly on crimes…
Read the curriculumAvv. Enrico Basile
Born in Messina in 1981. He graduated with honors from the Università di Messina (University of Messina) in 2003, he was visiting doctoral scholar at the Louisiana State University (USA). In 2008 he obtained a Ph.D. in Corporate Law from…
Read the curriculumAvv. Federico Pezzani
Born in Milan in 1981. He graduated with full marks from the Università Statale di Milano (State University of Milan) with a thesis on Commercial Criminal Law in 2004 and he obtained a Diploma from the Scuola di Specializzazione per…
Read the curriculumAvv. Andrea Rossetti
Born in Busto Arsizio in 1980. He graduated with honors in Criminal Law from the Università Statale di Milano (State University of Milan), with Professor Carlo Enrico Paliero, in 2004, he is a member of the Milan Bar and he…
Read the curriculumAvv. Alessandro Palazzo
Born in Florence in 1979. He graduated with honors from the School of Law of the Università di Firenze (University of Florence) in 2005 and he started collaborating with Studio Mucciarelli in early 2006; he obtained the title of lawyer…
Read the curriculumAvv. Caroline Hassoun
Born in Milan in 1989. Graduated with honors in Criminal Law at the University of Milan in March 2013, with Prof. Emilio Dolcini. During the university period, she spent an academic semester as an Erasmus student at the University of…
Read the curriculumAvv. Federico Guastoni
Born in Castel San Giovam1i (Pc) in 1988. Graduated with honors in Law from the Università Statale di Milano (State University of Milan) in March 2013, he is a member of the Milan Bar since February 2016. He began his…
Read the curriculumAvv. Rosaria Giambersio
Born in Naples in 1991. She graduated with honors and publication recommended in Criminal Law from the Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” in July 2014 and during her time at the university she has been visiting student before the London School…
Read the curriculumAvv. Niccolò Matteo Piramidal
He obtained a degree with full marks in Law from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) of Milan in April 2009. He started collaborating with the Firm in October 2009. He was admitted to…
Read the curriculumAvv. Martina Alessandra Leo
She obtained a degree with honors in Law from the Università degli Studi di Milano (University of Milan) in October 2013. She started collaborating with the Firm in October 2013. She was admitted to the Milan Bar on 27/10/2016. Spoken…
Read the curriculumAvv. Claudia Pantè
She obtained a degree in Law from the Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” in December 2018. After a quarter spent in London improving her English, she started collaborating with the Firm in July 2019. She was admitted to the Milan Bar…
Read the curriculumAvv. Elisa Cesaroni
She obtained a degree in Law from the Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” in April 2021. During her time at university she studied abroad at the Bucerius Law School in Hamburg. She started collaborating with the Firm in July 2021. She…
Read the curriculumAvv. Davide Attanasio
He graduated with honors from the Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” in December 2017. He obtained a Ph.D. in Law and Institutions (Criminal Law) from the Università degli Studi di Torino in 2024, discussing a thesis on economic preventive measures. He…
Read the curriculumDr. Andrea Dordoni
He graduated with honors in Law from Bocconi University of Milan in December 2022. He joined the firm in January 2023 and since then he has been enrolled in the Milan Bar Register of Trainee Lawyers. English and Spanish spoken…
Read the curriculumDr. Francesca Di Pace
I graduated with honors in Law from the LUIIS Guido Carli University of Rome, in July 2022. During my university studies, I spent an academic semester as an Erasmus student at the University of Oslo. I started collaborating with the…
Read the curriculum