- Avv. Prof. Francesco Mucciarelli
- Avv. Luisa Mazzola
- Avv. Marta Lanfranconi
- Avv. Adriano Raffaelli
- Avv. Marco Calleri
- Avv. Barbara Bonzano
- Avv. Valeria Tartara
- Avv. Emanuela Danelli
- Avv. Giacomo De Carolis
- Avv. Enrico Basile
- Avv. Federico Pezzani
- Avv. Andrea Rossetti
- Avv. Alessandro Palazzo
- Avv. Caroline Hassoun
- Avv. Federico Guastoni
- Avv. Rosaria Giambersio
- Avv. Niccolò Matteo Piramidal
- Avv. Martina Alessandra Leo
- Avv. Claudia Pantè
- Avv. Elisa Cesaroni
- Avv. Davide Attanasio
Avv. Rosaria Giambersio
Born in Naples in 1991. She graduated with honors and publication recommended in Criminal Law from the Università Commerciale “Luigi Bocconi” in July 2014 and during her time at the university she has been visiting student before the London School of Economics and New York University. She is a member of the Milan Bar.
She started her professional career in September 2014 with the Firm and since January 2018 she has been working mainly in Rome. In Aprile 2020 she obtained with honors the Second-level Master in Business criminal law at Luiss University.
She has gained experience in assisting Italian and international clients in court and out of court, especially in the areas of criminal tax, corporate, banking, bankruptcy, financial markets law and liability pursuing law decree 231/2001.
She has personally acted or acted, amongst others, to the trials rating agencies-market abuse, Lava Jato, British Telecom and Alitalia.
Spoken and written English.