- Avv. Prof. Francesco Mucciarelli
- Avv. Luisa Mazzola
- Avv. Marta Lanfranconi
- Avv. Adriano Raffaelli
- Avv. Marco Calleri
- Avv. Barbara Bonzano
- Avv. Valeria Tartara
- Avv. Emanuela Danelli
- Avv. Giacomo De Carolis
- Avv. Enrico Basile
- Avv. Federico Pezzani
- Avv. Andrea Rossetti
- Avv. Alessandro Palazzo
- Avv. Caroline Hassoun
- Avv. Federico Guastoni
- Avv. Rosaria Giambersio
- Avv. Niccolò Matteo Piramidal
- Avv. Martina Alessandra Leo
- Avv. Claudia Pantè
- Avv. Elisa Cesaroni
- Avv. Davide Attanasio
Avv. Enrico Basile
Born in Messina in 1981. He graduated with honors from the Università di Messina (University of Messina) in 2003, he was visiting doctoral scholar at the Louisiana State University (USA). In 2008 he obtained a Ph.D. in Corporate Law from the Università Bocconi, where he was also a research fellow in Criminal Law.
He undertook study stays at the IALS of the University of London (UK), he attended the course “The International Law of War Crimes” as part of the Summer School of the London School of Economics (UK), and he was visiting scholar at the University of the West of England (UK). He obtained the national qualification as associate professor in criminal law and he teaches criminal law subjects at the Università Bocconi both in undergraduate courses and at the Scuola di Specializzazione per le Professioni Legali (School of Specialization for Legal Professions). He lectures at events organized by the Università degli Studi di Milano (University of Milan), the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart) and the Politecnico di Milano (School of Management) and he has spoken on criminal law issues at several conferences.
He qualified to practice the legal profession with full marks (450/450), he was admitted to the Bar in 2007 and he started collaborating with the Firm in 2009: he carries out his professional activity in all main areas of economic criminal law and he has gained experience in high-profile national cases involving offences against the Public Administration, bankruptcy offences, tax offences and market abuse, where he has often assisted foreign clients.
He is the author of several publications (see list) on issues concerning the general and special parts of criminal law, including a monograph on complicity of multiple individuals in an offence within the framework of professional consulting activities; he also edited the Italian version of an American book on white-collar crime.
Spoken and written English.