- Avv. Prof. Francesco Mucciarelli
- Avv. Luisa Mazzola
- Avv. Marta Lanfranconi
- Avv. Adriano Raffaelli
- Avv. Marco Calleri
- Avv. Barbara Bonzano
- Avv. Valeria Tartara
- Avv. Emanuela Danelli
- Avv. Giacomo De Carolis
- Avv. Enrico Basile
- Avv. Federico Pezzani
- Avv. Andrea Rossetti
- Avv. Alessandro Palazzo
- Avv. Caroline Hassoun
- Avv. Federico Guastoni
- Avv. Rosaria Giambersio
- Avv. Niccolò Matteo Piramidal
- Avv. Martina Alessandra Leo
- Avv. Claudia Pantè
- Avv. Elisa Cesaroni
- Avv. Davide Attanasio
Avv. Valeria Tartara
Born in Milan in 1970. She graduated with honors from the Università degli studi di Milano (University of Milan, where she obtained the Graduation Award sacred to the memory of Manlio Borrelli) in 1994, then she immediately joined the Firm, with which she has collaborated without interruption. She was admitted to the Milan Bar in 1997 (she qualified to plead in the higher courts in 2015).
She has provided advice and assistance, with increasing responsibilities, in all areas of criminal corporate law. She has gained specific expertise in the legislation on liability of legal entities pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 231/01, assisting companies (including leading insurance, banking and industrial groups) in the drafting and implementation of Compliance Programs and supporting the activity of Supervisory Boards. In the same area, she has spoken at business training courses and workshops for lawyers and accountants.
She has collaborated with the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Università degli Studi di Milano – and subsequently also with the Università dell’Insubria (University of Insubria) – as an expert on the subject, acting as an assistant for Examination and Graduation sessions and as a supporting thesis supervisor; she also contributed, as an author, to the drafting of the commented Criminal Code edited by Prof. Giorgio Marinucci and Prof. Emilio Dolcini.
She was a member of Federchimica’s Legal Affairs Group in charge of studying the new Environmental Consolidated Act and Legislative Decree No. 231/01 and she contributed to the drafting of the “Guida Introduttiva ai Modelli di Organizzazione previsti dal D.Lgs. 231/01 per i reati in materia di Salute e Sicurezza” published by Federchimica in December 2008. She has spoken at ABI Conferences on antimoney laundering and she has collaborated with the journal Il Sole 24 ore – Avvocati, writing articles on issues related to the application of Legislative Decree No. 231/01.